Seabased’s ambition is to become the first Blue Energy Company to build, own, operate Wave Power Parks around the globe and contributors to the energy transition by providing CO2 free renewable electricity at utility scale from stable, reliable ocean waves.

The robust and powerful Seabased Wave Power Park system is composed of buoys on the ocean surface connected to linear generators on the seabed. The buoys move with the waves, and this motion generates power. A marine substation makes the electricity suitable for grid use, and sea cables deliver the power to the grid. Seabased’s complete wave-to-grid solution represents a major differentiator and strategic advantage over other renewable solutions.

Our expertise in the design, construction, and maintenance of robust marine systems enables Seabased to offer high quality power based on standard arrays of 2 or 10MW adapted to the site specification of each unique offshore environment.


The videoclip above shows the installation of a full-scale Seabased wave energy generator, which will later be connected to a buoy to form a complete Wave Energy Converter (WEC). Wave energy device installation requires only a light construction vessel and is does not require invasive seabed preparation such as drilling.

Deploying the wave energy technology on the seabed protects it from extreme conditions that may occur at the surface of the sea, and helps minimize maintenance.

A Seabased generator being deployed at Sotenäs wave energy power park in Sweden

A Seabased generator being deployed at Sotenäs wave energy power park in Sweden

The electrical system, or Marine Substation, converts the renewable power produced by the wave energy generators into a single stream of grid-ready electricity

The electrical system, or Marine Substation, converts the renewable power produced by the wave energy generators into a single stream of grid-ready electricity

The generators for Sotenäs wave energy power park were transported on an LCV for deployment

The generators for Sotenäs wave energy power park were transported on an light construction vessel (LCV) for deployment

Seabased team members on a deployment mission

Seabased team members on a deployment mission

The buoys can be deployed using small local vessels

The buoys can be deployed using small local vessels

The modular design, and “plug & play” nature of the wave energy power parks has many advantages for cost control and manufacture, installation, and maintenance.

VIsual inspection of buoys at the Sotenäs wave power park site.

VIsual inspection of buoys at the Sotenäs wave power park site.

As a Blue Energy Company providing CO2-free renewable wave power at a utility scale, Seabased aims to ease the path of wave energy into the renewable mix, for communities, grid operators, and other renewable providers.