Our goal is to continually reduce our lifecycle carbon footprint
Seabased is in the process of measuring its current lifecycle CO2 footprint system-wide, and already has a stepwise plan to continually improve – reduce - that carbon footprint. Some of the measures we’re taking include:
Evaluating the CO2 footprint of each component and material used in the production of our system, including our Wave Energy Converters (WECs) and Marine Substation (MSS) electrical systems. This evaluation includes how the material is sourced in terms of labor practices, water usage, damage to the environment, any emissions created by the material, and the safe recycling options of each material.
Evaluating the impact of transportation of components and materials. One measure to reduce this impact is by containerizing the WECs and the MSS, which will significantly cut the environmental impact as well as the shipping costs. Already the components are small, relative to many other systems, allowing for lower fuel consumption because we can use smaller vessels and conduct installation quickly.
Searching for regional and local materials and manufacturers to reduce the environmental impact of distance transportation as well as contribute to local economies where we operate.
Conducting an ongoing investigation of potential replacement materials and components that might reduce our carbon footprint. The circular economy is producing new materials every day that could become part of our wave energy parks.
Using off-the-shelf parts where possible. Wave Energy is only sustainable if those who would benefit by it can afford it. This includes many islands that are currently dependent on expensive, imported fossil fuels. One way we’re making wave energy accessible is to use component parts that do not require extra effort in terms of mining, manufacture, or recycle.
Seabased’s Swedish founders had, from the offset, a focus on sustainability in every step of the process, and this has given us a solid start. Yet reducing our CO2 footprint is not a task to check off as completed; it’s an ongoing part of our journey to bring affordable, renewable wave power to the world.